privacy policy
Privacy policy
Seabreeze Cottage is committed to protect and respect your privacy. This statement explains how and when we collect information about you, how we use this information and when and who it may be shared with. It also explains how you can request information held about you.
Who are we?
Seabreeze cottage is a self catering holiday cottage located in Cornwall. We offer holiday accommodation for up to 5 people & 1 dog. Seabreeze cottage is our second home. We arrange the booking and provision of holiday rental accommodation solely with us. Any questions relating to this statement, our privacy practices or a request for your personal information should be addressed to Jeanette Fisher: email, 31, Norrys Rd, Cockfosters, Barnet, Herts EN4 9JX, Tel: 07515100414
What information do we collect?
Seabreeze Cottage collects information you as part of our business process and functions. The information normally includes your name, address, telephone number, Full name of party members, age of children, a contact email address, payment arrangement details collected on a professional booking management sytem called Bookalet
What do we use your information for?
- Process your booking
- Communicate throughout the booking process and manage your holiday experience
- Seek feedback about your holiday with us
- Notify you of any changes in service
- Send you communications on future promotions or offers
- Analyse and review for marketing purposes
Who do we share your information with?
We keep your information securely and we do not share your information with third parties as outline in this statement or where permitted by law.
How do we treat your information?
All details you give Seabreeze Cottage at any time will be kept for the period of your booking, holiday and reasonable period thereafter. We keep your information securely and do not share this information with third parties other than set out in this statement. Only Names, contact details and booking preferences will be used for marketing purposes, unless you are informed otherwise when you provide the information.
If you do not wish to receive any of the communication set out in this statement, please inform us as soon as possible by letter, email, the details of which are set above.
How do you find out more information about your rights?
Firstly, contact Seabreeze Cottage about any query regarding your information being processed and collected.
Or The information commissioners website contains further useful information and advice:
February 2021